Rylee Meek (Founder of King's Council) & Joshua Latimer (AKA The Small Business Millionaire Maker) Are Teaming Up To Bring You The...

"Most Incredible FREE Gift Ever... Designed to help Christians Start A Purpose Driven Business & get to your first $100k in minimum time!"

"Most Incredible FREE Gift Ever... Designed To Help Christians Start A Purpose Driven Business & Get To Your First $100k In Minimum Time!"

You'll Get Over $10,531 

Worth Of Money Making

(& Keeping) Information


What Other Kings & Queens Are Saying...

"King's Council has been a community of people who always led me back to truth. We always relied on Biblical principles, and bringing that into business."

Noah Barr

"This is a great community. You need to be here. If you're ready to burn your W2, this is the community & place to be."

John Clark

"The experience with King's Council has been life changing. We're in a very different spot then we were 2 years ago when we joined."

Monica & Joe Schiraldo

"King's Council... is like a real family. It's pushing hard in business AND in faith, not just one or the other. "

Aaron Jennings

We Want To GIFT You

Over $10,531 Worth of High Impact, Profit Producing Material...


Are you ready to go from a WANTrepreneur to an entrepreneur?

Do you already have a business, but are under $100k in revenue?

Are you a Christian who wants a community of like minded people to grow your profitable, purpose driven business with?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this will be the most important page you see this year.

In King's Council Discover, we are giving Christians all the tools you need to make your first $100k in business, in minimum time. 

You get access to a private community of Kings & Queens, where together you'll discover the strategies and principles to launch a purpose driven business, from A-Z. These are timeless business principles to get out of your current job and start a highly profitable business, following God's original blueprint.

Here's Everything You Get When You Join Today! 

Bi-Weekly entrepreneurship training from Rylee MEEK & the king's council leadership team

Every two weeks you will get an entrepreneurship training from Rylee and the King's Council Leadership team, where you will discover a true kingdom mindset, learn new effective sales & marketing strategies, and go from $0 - $100k in minimum time!

Think of it like a Masterclass in starting and scaling any new business, for a tiny fraction of what you'd pay for an MBA!

(VALUE  $1,997)


App access

Join a community of like-minded kingdom entrepreneurs to fellowship and network with to grow your business and spiritual life!

(VALUE  $500)

weekly bible study on zoom

Each week, fellowship with your King’s Council community and gain in your knowledge of the Lord and His Word as Christian Edwards teaches through scripture, preparing the way for your entrepreneurial journey as God’s Word is a lamp to your feet and light to your path! (Psalms 119:105)


Join Today And The Gifts Are Yours... For FREE!

What Other Kings Are Saying...

"King's Council has been eye opening, heart opening, and a tremendous experience of a community of believers using the business field as the mission field. Get in and join us."

Scott Shortmeyer

"If you're a Kingdom Entrepreneur and you want to go big with what God has called you to do, you have to join King's Council."

Josh Dominguez

"King's Council is fellowship amongst entrepreneurs, which is missing in this country right now. "

Jared Tjaden


I Want To Do Whatever It Takes To

Push You Over The Edge And Sign Up Today!

Listen, we know these teachings have the power to transform your business, and life. That's why we're not holding back and throwing in MORE high-level business building material that others have paid thousands of dollars for... completely FREE!

Here Are the BONUS FREE GIFTS When You

Sign Up Today:

The kingdom entrpreneur book by rylee meek

"The Kingdom Entrepreneur: The 7-Day Blueprint" reveals God's proven template to creating fruitful relationships, successful businesses, and a fulfilling life. God's Word contains creative power and His playbook starts in the book of Genesis. The first thing God reveals about Himself in Scripture is not that He is loving, holy, all-knowing, omnipotent, gracious, or even just. No, the first thing God shows us is that He is creative! In Genesis, He brings something out of nothing. He brings order out of chaos. And He creates for the good of others!

As a Kingdom Entrepreneur you are called to do the same by stepping into your true calling, bringing abundance into the Kingdom Economy, and creating wealth and provision for the purpose of confirming God's covenant on Earth.

(VALUE $37)

Burn your w2 course

How do you go from wantrepreneur to entrepreneur? If you're brand new to business, this 8 video course from Scott & Rylee will walk you step by step how to go from employed to deployed. 

Inside, you'll discover all the basics like: 

  • How to set up your LLC

  • How to craft an irresistible offer

  • The benefits of the benefits of your product, which helps you sell like crazy

  • ​And so much more!

(VALUE $500)

DNA blueprint course

The DNA Blueprint course is formulated to position you to operate in EXCELLENCE in the 5 Power Pillars: Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual & Financial. We will walk you through God's proven framework for success utilizing foundational truths in developing your mission, vision, purpose (MVP), core values, and "I am" declarations.

This course also teaches how to check your "vital signs" which will make it clear where you currently are and how to get to where God has called you to go!

This is THE Signature course for King's Council, and essential to do BEFORE getting into the business principles, so you can build on a solid foundation instead of a house of cards. 

(VALUE $2,000)

seven days of creation

God has given us a blueprint of how to create ANYTHING successfully! Whether it be a successful business, marriage, or life altogether, God lays out the perfect template in Genesis 1 with the 7 days of creation template. This 8 session course walks you through:

  • Vision

  • Atmosphere

  • Structure

  • Order

  • Momentum

  • Multiplication

  • Sabbath

(VALUE $2,000)

marketing audit

This is the most overlooked “foundations” of marketing & sales: REALLY knowing your numbers. Throughout this course we are going to cover some of the most important tools for your business that will help you:

  • Discover where you are losing money in your business

  • Understand which “levers” to push to grow your business in the right direction

  • Get clear direction on where to invest in your business to see the highest returns 

After going through this course, you'll be able to walk in on Monday morning and know exactly what you need to do to drive your business forward, and where to stop investing your time, which is one of the most liberating things possible as a business leader.

(VALUE $500)

Marketing Message Makeover

Crafting a successful message and attracting the right prospects has always been a challenge for many entrepreneurs and business owners. Throughout this course we are going to cover some of the most important parts of the way you communicate to your prospective audience. You will gain an excellent understanding of how to communicate your MESSAGE to speak directly to your target audience to produce more profit and impact. 

(VALUE $997)


Throughout this course you are going to learn some of the most powerful tools on Intentional Influence you could imagine.

If you master these techniques, I guarantee you will gain 3 things:

  • ​You are going to discover more about your prospective clients in five minutes than you previously could in two weeks

  • You will learn to predict how your clients will buy

  • ​You will learn how to let your clients sell to themselves….No one wants to be sold, but everyone wants to buy!

(VALUE $2,000)

The debt course

Inside this short but powerful training, you will:

  • Get clarity on getting rid of debt

  • Understand how to calculate your net worth

  • Understand the difference between Good Debt versus Bad Debt

  • Find out the best way to pay off your credit card debt

  • Create a strategy to get your spending on track and be stress free

  • ​Finally know where every dollar is going and eliminate worry

(VALUE $197)

So, What Are You Waiting For?

All you have to click below to join and the gifts are yours...

for FREE!

When You Join Today, You Will Get

ALL Of This...

When You Join Today, You Will Get

ALL Of This...

  • Bi-Weekly Training From Rylee & The King's Council Leadership Team     ($1,997 Value)

  • Access to the Private DISCOVER group in the King's Council App  ($500 Value)

  • Weekly Bible Study With Christian Edwards  (Priceless)

  • ​The Kingdom Entrepreneur Book by Rylee Meek ($37 Value)

  • ​BONUS: Burn Your W2 Course              ($500 Value)

  • ​​BONUS: DNA Blueprint Course          ($2,000 Value)

  • ​​BONUS: 7 Days Of Creation                 ($2,000 Value)

  • ​​BONUS: Marketing Audit                           ($500 Value)

  • ​​BONUS: Marketing Message Makeover  ($997 Value)

  • ​​BONUS: Intentional Influence Course ($2,000 Value)

Total Value: $10,531

Yours Today For Only $97/month

Or Just One Payment of $997

(Save $167 for the Year)

So, What's The Catch?

There's actually no catch.

So why would I do this?

Well, there's actually a couple of reasons...

  • It's our way of welcoming you to the King's Council and giving you all the resources you need to go from a wantrepreneur to a real entrepreneur. When you can run a real business, you have more power to be a great steward of God's resources, and we all get to make a greater impact on the world.

  • Unlike other "gurus," we don't make all of our money teaching others how to make money (we actually run real businesses, with real people, and real value)... so we can share ALL of our best stuff with you, without holding anything back!

Why Time Is Of The Essence...

This is a limited offer, but even inside of that, there is REAL scarcity that you need to be aware of...

1st) I only printed 1,000 copies of "The Kingdom Entrepreneur" book to give away for free. Yes, I can order more, but there is a 12-week lag time, so if this page is online now, then we have books in stock...

2nd) This special free gift bundle to bring in memberships for King's Council's "Discover" group is going away SOON! So if you don't lock in your membership NOW while this page is live... you'll NEVER be able to get this offer again.

3rd) This introductory pricing AND the trial offer will not last forever. We are selling out memberships fast, and as soon as we hit our target number, we will be raising the prices back to full price. It's simple supply and demand and it's happening here in real time.

So NOW is the time to lock in your membership before it's too late!

This is a limited offer, but even inside of that, there is REAL scarcity that you need to be aware of...

1st) I only printed 1,000 copies of "The Kingdom Entrepreneur" book to give away for free. Yes, I can order more, but there is a 12-week lag time, so if this page is online now, then we have books in stock...

2nd) This special free gift bundle to bring in memberships for King's Council's "Discover" group is going away SOON! So if you don't lock in your membership NOW while this page is live... you'll NEVER be able to get this offer again.

3rd) This introductory pricing AND the trial offer will not last forever. We are selling out memberships fast, and as soon as we hit our target number, we will be raising the prices back to full price. It's simple supply and demand and it's happening here in real time.

So NOW is the time to lock in your membership before it's too late!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this gift, or I'll return your initial fee and let you keep the gift anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

And if you decide at ANY time that you don't want to be a subscriber any more, you can cancel anytime, and keep the cool package of stuff we sent you!

Sound fair enough?

Here's What To Do Next...

From here it's just finalizing the details and getting your gifts ready to be shipped out!

Click on the blue button below right now, fill out the form on the next page, and we can finally get started!

Thanks for your interest in The King's Council and I can't wait to get to welcome you to the inside!

Talk soon,

Rylee Meek

All You Have To Do Is Join

And The Gift Is Yours... For FREE!

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you my new book, "The Kingdom Entrepreneur" along with a King's Council T Shirt for FREE, when you join the King's Council Discover membership today!

You’ll also get a bi-weekly entrepreneurship call with Rylee and the King's Council Leadership team, a weekly Bible study with Christian Edwards, and access to a private group app to help you go from wantrepreneur to a real entrepreneur 

Did I mention the Bonuses? You'll get additional money making courses for FREE to help you get to your first $100k in minimum time when you sign up right now! 

Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don't love the program - you can cancel your membership within 30 days and I'll even refund your initial fee (and you don't have to ship anything back!)

Sound fair enough? Then what are you waiting for!?!

Signup for the King's Council Discover membership right now!

YES Rylee!

 I'm Join the King's Council Discover Program (and I realize that I'm ALSO getting 6 bonus courses designed to help me make and keep a lot more money for FREE!)

I'm excited to become a real entrepreneur, and grow with a community of like-minded King's every month!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How Does The Free Trial Work?

A: Test-drive King's Council Discover without sending us a dime. Then, if you agree this membership is giving you the best, most valuable business advice & Christian community, then we'll continue to give you business training that isn't available anywhere else each month and bill you $97/mo as long as you're getting way more value in return.

Q: When Will I Receive My Free Gifts?

A: When you sign up today for the King's Council Discover Program, you will receive instant access to many of the digital products in the confirmation email. Others will be dripped out to you to prevent overwhelm. For the physical products, please allow 2 to 4 weeks for them to arrive.

Q: When Do We Do The Bi-Weekly Entrepreneurship Calls with Rylee & The King's Council Leadership team, and weekly bible study with Christian?

A: Every other week, you will get a group coaching call with Rylee and the King's Council Leadership team, showing you how to build a profitable, purpose driven business from the ground up. The bible study calls with Christian will be on Wednesday mornings. Recordings of the calls will be available in case you can't make it. The exact times and links will be released after you get started.

Q: This is a Tremendous Value! What's the catch?

A: It's true! When you join today, you can secure up to $10,531 of high impact, in the trenches, business & marketing advice... that once implemented can and will transform your business in the right direction you want it to go!

Like I said earlier, you'll be receiving a hugely valuable welcome package of digital courses and physical gifts, all designed to help you grow your business quickly, surrounded by a community of like-minded Christians!

Keep in mind, with your initial membership fee you'll be able to unlock over $10K in real, practical, and actionable business advice. Which makes the initial fee seem insignificant.

Q: Who is this for?

A: This is for the self-starter. The Christian that wants to start a profitable, purpose driven business, or make your existing business make more income and impact. This is for the Christian that wants to grow a real business supported by a community of like-minded Christian entrepreneurs.

Q: What If I'm Not Satisfied With My Subscription?

A: This is highly unlikely. Wait until you receive your initial welcome gift, and you'll see what I mean. With that said, if you don't find our business and marketing advice even the least bit useful... then you can cancel anytime and we'll part as friends ;) We'll even refund your initial fee if you decide this isn't for you in the first month. So, if you are part of the small percentage of people that don't find us useful, then you can cancel and we won't hold it against you.

Q: How Much Does It Cost?

A: Today, you can secure more than $10,531 in crazy valuable business + marketing strategies from Joshua Latimer and Rylee Meek... We simply ask that you pay the initial membership fee.

Then, after you review everything, if you love us and agree we're the best business + marketing community to help your business thrive... even in these times... then we'll keep training you every month (plus sending you more awesome programs) and we'll bill you $97/month (if you opt for the monthly payments) for continuing to be a part of this community.