The King's Council is a non-profit ministry that serves an extension of the local church, whose mission is to disciple Christian entrepreneurs in order to increase the tithe and initiate radical generosity for the purpose of Kingdom advancement here on earth.


You're a Christian entrepreneur seeking to grow your business without compromising your faith.

You strive to keep your Sunday spirit alive from Monday to Saturday, in boardrooms and business meetings.

You have a dream to build something meaningful, create a legacy, and you dream of making a difference in the world.

But like many entrepreneurs, you fear not being able to provide for your family or failing to make your mark in the business world. It's not easy, but you believe it's worth it. And it is.

What if you could walk this journey with others who share your vision? Others who understand the complexities of being a Christian in the business world - of wanting to grow a successful business, but never at the expense of faith, integrity, or family?

Here, you're not alone in your journey. You're part of a community, a family, united by the same faith and same entrepreneurial spirit. So, come, let's walk this path together. Let's prove that with faith as our foundation, we can build businesses that flourish, families that thrive, and a world that is a better reflection of Christ's love.

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